by Evat Ug
August 18th 2023.


Don't skip this chance of this article that will help you to overcome internet traffic restrictions.
Refer to the app in the photo below from the Google play store

It doesn't need many Settings.No account is needed to access it.This means it's free and it unlocks internet restrictions.

Follow the below procedures in the Fig.2

Click at that article with a green arrow as shown above.


After clicking on those three dots in the right corner choose updates as shown below in Fig.4


After checking on Updates look on SELECT SERVER and select SPEEDIFY as shown below

From there go to SELECT PROMO and also choose SPEEDIFY as shown below and the click on Connect

After there, directly click on Connect and it will directly Connect with a one tap and start browsing the internet freely without any single Data.

FOLLOW ME ON YOUTUBE AS EVAT PAZZO and don't forget to subscribe

I love you all♥️♥️♥️😀😀

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